
Sponsorships are invited from Government Departments, Individuals, Organizations, Firms, NGOs under the following categories:

Three Hi-Tech StallsTwo Hi-Tech StallsOne Hi-Tech StallsOne Hi-Tech Stalls
Logo will be prominently displayedLogo will be prominently displayed
One page advertisement in souvenirHalf page advertisement in souvenirQuarter page advertisement in souvenir

Advertisement in souvenir NHF2025

One pageHalf pageQuarter page

Bank Details for Payments

  • Beneficiary Name: Society for Promotion of Horticulture
  • Bank Account Number: 37807617355
  • Bank Name: State Bank of India
  • Bank Address: ICAR-IIHR Hesaraghatta Branch
  • Account Type: Current Account
  • IFSC: SBIN0041187